Cat Lovers United At PoC

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra

I’ve been visiting PoC for around 5 years now and I reckon it’s the best cat web site on the internet. People visit from all over the world, but mainly from the USA and the UK. It is very interesting to meet so many like-minded people.

Cat Lover United
Cat Lover United. Collage by Ruth aka Kattaddorra.
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

Sometimes we have to agree to disagree because of our different cultures and the different circumstances in our countries, because no one is right and no one is wrong, as long as we all do our best to ensure our cats have happy fulfilled lives.

I think most of the regulars who come to PoC care not only about our own cats, but about cats worldwide too.

We can read about the various breeds of cats and we can learn more about cat welfare and the different illnesses which can affect cats and about the best diet for them. Even if we think we know all we need to, there is always something new to learn.

We can read visitors questions about cats and try to help worried cat caretakers find a solution to their problems and it’s wonderful when someone new comes along and keeps on coming back because they have found others who love cats as much as they do.

PoC has achieved a huge amount in the education of people in the anti declaw campaign and I know for a fact has saved many cats from this cruel unnecessary surgery. Of course there are people who come and disagree, who think the amputation of a cat’s last toe joints is acceptable, but after reading the truth and seeing the pictures of cats suffering, they must know at the bottom of them that they are wrong and that one day declawing will be banned worldwide.

I’m sure there are people too who read the articles but don’t comment and that is fine because not everyone likes to join in. Unfortunately there are also lurkers who enjoy swooping on anything they don’t agree with and who try to force their views on others. They can be sarcastic, rude and sometimes just downright nasty, I think we all know of Woodsman and his numerous aliases, but he/they will never win their argument because they are biased and bitter and this comes through in their comments!

I don’t really know why these people visit, why not go to a website they approve of, where there are like-minded people to them? Why do cat haters come to a cat lovers website? It doesn’t make sense!

I’d like to round off this article by saying a HUGE thank you to Michael for creating PoC and for taking everything we write in good part, even when we don’t agree with him.

Also thank you to the friends I’ve made here on PoC who write interesting articles and comments and post wonderful pictures and who say they enjoy my posters and articles too.

Cat lovers are the best people you can ever meet!

Ruth aka Kattaddorra

22 thoughts on “Cat Lovers United At PoC”

  1. Yes it would be nice to meet one day but even if we never manage to do so it won’t stop us all from being forever friends and working together for the good of all cats worldwide 🙂

  2. Wonderfully said. We have an amazing collection of great minds and hearts that visit/comment or just visit with regularity. There are many things we all may have a difference of opinion on, but the Woodsman is not one of them. Michael does a lot of great work, as does his site!
    Thanks Ruth!

    • Yes, we are of one mind about the man with sawdust in his head 😉 Thanks for the comment. The site is a joint effort. It really is. In some ways the comments made by the regulars are more important than the posts. Thank you all.

      • I agree that sometimes the comments are more important than the article. When I did Accidental Ways To Kill A Cat the readers added lots of dangers I never even considered. I try to read everything that’s posted but with no pc internet and these tiny letters on the cell phone I don’t comment as often as I want. I’d also like to thank Michael for turning me into a worhaholic insomniac…yes of course I’m still awake. Its only 4am 🙂

        • Yes, a big thank you to Michael for all his hard work on behalf of cats! Because of PoC I have met many friends I would not have known who are on the other side of the world or the other side of the country from me, but they are my friends none the less. I do still hope to get out to SC and meet you, Elisa and your daughter Laura and all your wonderful cats, especially Furby and Sealy.

          • We should all meet up one day. It would be nice wouldn’t it? I’d love to meet you all. Thank you Ruth for your superb comments which are very important to PoC and cat welfare.

    • Thank you, too, Rudolph for sharing your experiences in India. For me these are important and your articles are rare. There aren’t many reporters from India writing about domestic and wild cats.

  3. Yay – great poster Ruth and I totally agree with everything you say. Well done Michael. I’m travelling right now and am in a hotel room somewhere in France but I have to say that no matter what, even if I have no time to comment I always end the day by reading POC. It gives me a feeling of security to know everybody here and I like the little community POC has created. It would be very unusual if I didn’t visit POC in a day. Lately I have had so little time for comments but I am always here and often quite frustrated that I can’t do some more commenting. I have to get up super early tomorrow and I really must must go to bed. I will have to catch up on things over the easter weekend when I have more time. I just had to join in this article to say well done to Michael and to everyone who comments that it’s really nice to know you all and know there are people like you who, like me, see cats as important and wonderful creatures and who spend alot of time caring and thinking and talking about them. I don’t feel so lonely knowing all of you and about your cats too. Great article and poster Ruth. I wonder if Michael really looks like that after this article – all chuffed leaning on his computer 😉 – no – he’s probably in bed with his laptop and Charlie and he should feel very proud to have built something that holds great importance and meaning to all of us and cats.


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