Marc Poberejsky in the News

Marc, a gentleman PoC contributor living in Switzerland, is in the news! He is mentioned in a local newspaper, The Bishop Press which is “Bishop Auckland’s Community Newspaper”. PoC, the website, got in as well and it is all because of Ruth and Barbara’s fund raising for Cats Protection. Here is the scanned page. I have highlighted the reference to Marc.

Marc in the local news
Marc in the local news
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

18 thoughts on “Marc Poberejsky in the News”

    • It is our pleasure Babz. Many thanks to you and Ruth. You are great cat advocates. Sorry I have been too busy today doing all kinds of things (work really) that have taken me away from doing another post. I may be able to do one later this evening.

  1. FANTASTIC is all I can say that Barbara and Ruth volunteering to run a charity stall should result in so much money for Cats Protection League(or is it not league now as I see no one says it?) and now good publicity for the charity as well by this and for Poc also and a thank you to our own very generous Marc.
    It’s sort of all snowballed hasn’t it.

    • Thanks Rose, yes it’s amazing how it all snowballed, we never dreamed it would be so successful, in fact we thought it would be more likely to bring Cats Protection to notice rather than to raise much money. We are thrilled that we did both.
      Yes it was Cats Protection League until a few years back, I can’t remember exactly when, I don’t know why either because League sort of rounded the words off better I thought. But I suppose there must have been some reason that they dropped the League bit.

      • I’m British really though Michael, in all but nationality. 🙂

        Everybody here is very kind – Ruth and Babs did great getting out there and doing a fundraiser. It’s the sort of thing I wish I could have the time to do. I like to be a part of it. Next time Ruth and Babs do a fundraiser I’d like to do a matching donation again. Since I’m busy and in Switzerland then my role will have to remain as such 🙂

          • I like to call him ‘our Marc’
            Here in the North ‘our’ is a word we use for our loved ones, I’ll say ‘our Barbara’ she will say ‘our Ruth’
            So the lovely people here are ‘our PoC family’

  2. It was Barbara’s idea to contact the Bishop Press with the story.
    We were so pleased to see they had printed this and even included our photo and mentioned PoC as well, all good PR for Cats Protection and for PoC and a public thank you for Marc who well deserved that.
    All this made doing that stall even more worthwhile than ever 🙂

    • You are a great team and supporters of cats and PoC. We have a lot of fun with you and good vibes. We can’t ask for more. Thanks Ruth and thanks Marc. He is a gentleman as the journalist says. The journalist is very polite slightly old fashioned, which I like.

  3. Good news Michael and thanks to Marc.Poberejsky the wealthy Swiss patron and contributor to “P.O.C”. “P.O.C” is definitely one of the best cat sites on the Internet since as a writer i do surf many channels and sites and hence can be non-partial.

    • Thanks Rudolph. I am pleased Marc got into the news 😉 He deserves it. If you can find me a nice charity in India that PoC can support and then get PoC into the news PoC will donate to that charity. This is a business proposition…. 🙂

      • yay – wow – great.. Mostly to Ruth and Babs though. I’m getting frustrated with being so busy right now, I miss PoC at times like this. It was a great idea to do a stall in the first place and sell stuff for charity. I think I would love to quit my day job and do that instead. I’d be so happy doing work for cats everyday instead squeezing cat time into my day that’s full of working..

        I still want to do another fundraiser page for a tabby cat called Mitzi who I showed on the ‘tabbys’ page to remember her.

        It’s so lovely to be a part of helping cats. I just wish I had more time for it. Right now I have loads of freelance work which I can only do after my regular day job so I literally have no time at all til I get that done, hopefully in the next few days.

        Rudolph – not sure I’m a ‘wealthy’ Swiss patron but it sounds nice. I’ve still got a fair amount saved up in the kitty kitty – or should I say cat kitty for cats 🙂

          • I wouldn’t call Marc a wealthy patron, I’d call him a hard working compassionate and kind man who saves up and uses his savings to help cats in need.
            Truly wealthy people don’t often help others, they like to hang on to their wealth and add more to it.
            I’ve found that the people who have known financial hardship themselves often give more than those who are well off.
            People who have always been well off don’t understand the concept of being poor.
            Didn’t Marie Antoinette centuries ago, say of the poor ‘So they have no bread, then let them eat cake’
            Things haven’t changed that much as there are still very privileged rich people and still poor people struggling.
            I say thank goodness for the compassionate, kind and generous people like Marc and Michael here too.


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