Cat Management Laws of Tasmania

Tasmania has adopted a very honest approach to “cat shelters”. They call them “cat management facilities”. That does sound a bit dark and mysterious but it is a much better name because the word “shelter” is often wholly inappropriate as cats are often not sheltered at these places. Cat management facilities are part of …

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The Latest News For The Chester Fan Club

Chester has a few pages scattered around here on PoC but I thought it would be nice to have a new page with some of the old photos of him and also new ones as Marion takes them of his progress (videos). Just look at the difference in him already, from that tiny oil …

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USA: Animal Shelter Opt-out Clause To Euthanise

In general, across the United States, animal shelters have an obligation to hold, for a certain period of time, animals that are brought to them before considering euthanising the animal. This obligation comes from the law and it varies slightly from state to state. During this holding period the shelter must try and find the …

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Japanese Attitudes Towards Cats and Dogs

The Japanese have distinctly different attitudes to cat and dog ownership compared to people in Europe and North America. Although there is some overlap. “People don’t want an adult dog — they want to get a dog when it is still young.” As a bit of background this chart compares ratios of pet to …

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Kind British Cop and Vet save French Cat

This is a story of kindness from a British police officer and a British veterinarian who together managed to reunite a French tabby cat with his French owners in Le Havre after he had taken a cross channel ferry to Dover, England. The players: Cat – Poussey (a French name) – a three year …

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UK: 37,000 Abandoned Animals in 12 Months

Even in Britain, a nation of animal lovers, some people treat their pet like a piece of rubbish – trash. Going away on holiday? Can’t afford a cat or dog sitter or boarding cattery fees? Just throw your dog away in the nearest skip. That has happened. In 2012 the RSPCA were called out …

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Wild Cat Hoarding

We are all familiar with cat hoarding. It refers to collecting domestic cats in large numbers to the point where the caretaker can no longer caretake adequately to the detriment of the cats’ welfare. It is said that the reason is a mental health issue concerning the human caretaker. However, in the United States …

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