He doesn’t look a day older than 30! Siamese cat is world’s oldest

30-Year-Old Siamese Cat Named World’s Oldest by Guinness….Born on March 26, 1986, Scooter lives with his owner Gail Floyd in Mansfield, Texas.

Update 16th May 2016: Reports that Scooter has died. He was then briefly the world’s oldest cat.

He has travelled to 45 of the 50 states and enjoys being blowed dried after baths! He is a traditional Siamese. I think it is rare for a purebred to be the oldest cat. Great to see though. He looks very old – naturally. He longevity is put down to being active. It is probably just in the genes. Just good fortune.

I won’t write anymore because the video should have said all there is to know. There are other pages on PoC about the longest lived cats – just click this to see some articles on this subject.

Oldest domestic cat
Scooter – Oldest domestic cat
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

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8 thoughts on “He doesn’t look a day older than 30! Siamese cat is world’s oldest”

  1. I can’t help but keep looking at his beautiful face.
    The rest of him isn’t shown; but, I would guess that he has muscle loss and that he no longer grooms himself like he used to.
    I would bet that Gail in Texas cares less, as I would.
    I’m in love with him as I’m sure she is.

  2. If true, I’m amazed,
    If any breed would have that longevity, I would expect it to be a Siamese or Siamese mix. My Precious, a Siamese mix, lived to be nearly 22 years old.
    I see the age on Scooter, and his probable cataracts, and would love to just kiss his face all over.


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