Our Animals Teach us Unconditional Love: Can we Learn to Love One Another the Same Way?

By Jo Singer

Our Animals Teach us Unconditional Love
Photo Credit: Flickr User: mizuo_fiat
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

When it comes to loving, Agape, otherwise known as unconditional love is its highest form. What makes this type of love so special and healing to the one that receives it is that it doesn’t matter if the love we are giving out is returned. Since we extend it freely – without any expectations or hidden agendas, Agape is both pure and simple.

If we have friends who are able to love us unconditionally we are truly blessed. And when we open our hearts to love others unconditionally, we too experience a moment of absolute joy that goes beyond description. But loving unconditionally is not easy. It takes a great deal of practice and mindfulness. If we are willing to learn how to fully open our hearts, it often requires incredibly gifted teachers to help guide us on our path to the reach this lofty goal.

These special teachers often appear to us in non-human forms. Perhaps this is main reason that animals are so precious to so many people. After all, animals are the most incredible practitioners of Agape, in the entire world.

After all, our beloved fur companions who love us don’t care if we are rich or poor; they could care less if we are physically attractive or highly intelligent. So isn’t it possible that all that matters to them is by loving us, they too experience love?

It is indeed unfortunate that many people continue to believe that inter-species “agape” love is just a pipe dream. For example – how many times do we hear those folks who are ignorant and prejudiced, tell us that dogs and cats are “natural enemies” and, as such, can never get along? And since they continue to believe this ageless myth, it’s impossible for them to believe that deeply rewarding relationships can and do occur between them?

The lyrics of the song, “You Have to be Carefully Taught” in the popular musical “South Pacific” hauntingly illustrate why it’s so difficult for us to love unconditionally.

“You’ve got to be taught from year to year,
it’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade.
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate.
You’ve got to be carefully taught!”

It is indeed fortunate for animals that no one bothered to instill them with these incredulous lies. Perhaps if the entire world could open to what animals can teach us, we would not find ourselves living on a planet that is so full of conflict and hate.

This piece was inspired by watching the beautiful video uploaded to YouTube by YAWHATEVER7. The music “I love you “ is performed by the Climax Blues Band.

Since our animals teach us so much about loving and the New Year is in its infancy, isn’t this the perfect opportunity to open our hearts and learn to love unconditionally? I would like to think so.

What are your thoughts? Please share them in a comment.


Photo Credit: Flickr User: mizuo_fiat

17 thoughts on “Our Animals Teach us Unconditional Love: Can we Learn to Love One Another the Same Way?”

  1. Beautiful article. What greater love is there then when an animal give you their whole being heart and soul. Pure and perfect love. They don’t care if you are skinny or large or rich or poor or anything else. They just love us with every fiber of their being.


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