Cats have no fear of death which is an enormous advantage over us

Rainbow bridge

  A cat has no concept of its own death and so it cannot anticipate it, no matter how ill it feels. – Dr Desmond Morris If an old domestic cat left to their own devices falls ill, they don’t think that they are dying. They feel pain and discomfort and what it means …

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Do cats have a sense of humour?

Do cats have a sense of humour?

My opinion is that domestic cats do not have a sense of humour. I explain why in this article. Firstly let’s define “sense of humour”. It is a “person’s ability to perceive humour or appreciate a joke.” Note that the definition only applies to people! That doesn’t mean conclusively that cats can’t have a …

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How do cats relate to humans?

Cat and child

Do domestic cats think of us as (a) surrogate mothers or “pseudoparents” (b) equals (c) kittens (d) giant superior cats or (e) unspecified, reasonably benevolent creatures who provide for them? Or none of these? Or, all five at various times and under various circumstances? Do cats relate to us in one way? Are they …

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Do cats fear death?

Cats don't think of heaven

No, cats do not fear death. The reason is straightforward. Cats are not self-aware by which I mean self-conscious. Some people will dispute that statement. I’ll proceed though. As they are not self-aware when they are in pain or discomfort due to a chronic illness which is killing them or a sudden trauma and …

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Do these weird Snapchat cat filter videos show that domestic cats pass the mirror test?

Snapchat filter videos

The mirror test is when you look in the mirror and recognise yourself. You are self-aware. Cats can’t do it. Some people are saying these videos prove that cats are self-aware. I don’t see it that way myself. As I understand it (and the videos are initially a bit baffling) these are videos made …

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