老虎为人所羡慕和恐惧是因为他的强大和勇气。 老虎长有宽厚的肩膀,超级强壮的腿和令人恐怖的撕咬力。老虎的撕咬力比狮子厉害。 老虎是一种美丽的野生猫科动物,它是世界上唯一的有条纹的和世界上最大的猫科动物。每一只老虎的条纹都不一样。你可以通过它们的条纹来区分辨认。
人们常常在动物园看到老虎。这些都是圈养的老虎。约900年前,英国国王亨利一世是最早把老虎放到动物园里饲养的人之一。在笼子里的老虎现在远远比野生的多。在动物园里,白虎是非常受欢迎的动物。在世界上动物园里的所有白老虎的起源,都可追溯到一个叫“莫汉”的白老虎。“莫汉”于1951年在印度去世, 它逝去已经多年。几乎可以肯定,已经没有白老虎生活在野外了。
有很多年前偶然一次,人们看到过有非常罕见的蓝色老虎。人们说它们在中国。他们并不完全完全的蓝色,而是一种蓝灰色。看到它们, 一定会令人惊诧的。这些蓝色老虎已经许多年没有被人看到了。连动物园也没有蓝色的老虎。
老虎是食肉动物。老虎会杀死其他任何动物。它凭借其庞大的力量,能够捕捉并杀死比自己身体巨大很多的动物,甚至那些体重超过2000磅重的动物。老虎先接近那些它想捕杀的动物,然后冲然后冲上去攻击。如果可能的话, 老虎会将这些动物拉向地面。如果是大型动物,大老虎会咬它的喉咙,使其无法呼吸。在夜间,老虎大概一餐进食55磅重的食物。这是大概是整个5岁的孩子的体重!非常可怕。
小朋友们在靠近老虎的时候一定要加倍小心, 即使是笼中之虎。它们是美丽的但它们也是是危险的。小朋友们和所有其他的人都应该尊重老虎。
Hello, is anybody here interested in online working?
It is simple survey filling. Even 10$ per survey (10 minutes of work).
If you are interested, send me e-mail to hansorloski[@]gmail.com
Well that’s a relief, when I saw in my inbox a notification email from POC with strange characters I thought the POC site had been hacked and was sending out gobbledegook. I daren’t open it for fear of unleashing a virus so came to the site to check.
The Chinese don’t use Google. They use their own search engine, Baidu and it is censored (I believe) and it may have difficulty listing articles written in English so I am trying to tap into the Chinese market with a pure Chinese page. It is a translation of a very popular essay I wrote for kids about the tiger.
If you really want to know what it says, (it’s Chinese) copy and paste it into Google Translate.
Yes, good idea but Google Translate is not that good. It can be poor for Chinese. The original is an essay for kids in English about the tiger. The translation was done by a local university lecturer.
Yes you are right of course, really it’s only good for getting the gist of the article, which for me it did.
I agree Alan. You get the gist but the tenor and tone of the article is lost. I hope this translation is first class. I believe it is but I can’t check it!
Irish: I believe this article may be intended for our fellow cat lovers from the Far East. There’s an awful lot of them out there, so it would be really interesting to hear their input.
Exactly Michele. I have just read your comment after replying to Iris’s comment. It is a bona fide translation of an essay in English by a real person, a lecturer at a local university. I paid for it but he has similar sentiments about wildlife to me. He is a Buddhist.
I was amazed that the webspage URL (the we address) remained in Chinese. I thought it would have been converted to some mumbo jumbo.
Translation please!
It is meant to be entirely in Simplified Chinese for the Chinese in China who can’t understand English. I could have put a translation below it and I still might do that but I wanted to see if I can get some Chinese visiting the site. The English version is here.
The translation was done by a Chinese uni lecturer living not far from me. A nice person and a Buddhist.