1000 Dollar (USD) Donation to Cat Charity

Where Red rests
Where Red rests in peace. He is buried at this place. Photo by Marc

Thanks to Marc and to me (in a much smaller way), PoC is about to donate $1000 (USD) to a cat charity or charities.

Red a red tabby cat and companion to Marc

Over the last weekend, 29th to 30th June 2013, PoC regulars celebrated the life of a loved cat. His name is Red. He was, and still is, loved by Marc who was his human companion. We had a great weekend thanks to Marc’s efforts in creating a pictorial history of Red’s life. What a beautiful life it was.

Many tears were shed in reading Marc’s memorial to Red. Those tears have been channeled into a flood of funds for cat welfare.

If you are new to this story, please go to In Remembering Red and return here. Please read it. There is so much that is good about it. It is about a pure love between cat and human that won’t fade.

Before Marc wrote his memorial, I had the idea of raising money through comments written. I decided to donate 5 cents for every comment. This is a permanent feature of PoC, which started on 19th June 2013.

Marc added to that pledge by telling us that he would contribute $5 for every comment made on PoC over the weekend of Red’s Memorial. This was extremely generous because there were 175 comments over that weekend.

That generous gesture raised $875, while the PoC comments scheme raised an additional $31 since 19th June. That figure is added to the $875, making $906

Then Marc told me that he wanted to round it up to $1000. An awesome and moving gesture of generosity in Red’s name. To recap, Marc donates $1000 minus $31, which PoC donates. So, the final calculation is $969 from Marc, a mind blowing number, and $31 from PoC.

Now, let’s think of handsome Red and decide how we can distribute the money. It is Red’s legacy to cat welfare.

Please tell us where you think the money should go. 51% of visitors to PoC are Americans, I am told by Alexa, a major website. Is that important?

I think Marc should decide. But, understandably, he is wants us to decide. So, it’s over to me and you.

Thank you Marc and Red.

PoC has a history of giving with the intention of improving cat welfare.

80 thoughts on “1000 Dollar (USD) Donation to Cat Charity”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I would like to nominate Angel Paws Animal Friends for the charity donation.
    We are a small rural cat rescue that focuses on TNR and spay/neuter.
    We work in one of the poorest counties in Florida. We must transport kitties over two hours each way for low cost S/N surgeries in very hot weather. Our van is on its last legs with no AC. For us to continue this vital service to help stop the killing of the innocents we are raising funds to get a good used van.
    We S/N about 300 kitties a year and put any litters up for adoption.
    We need your help and would be grateful if selected.

    • Thank you for visiting and telling us about your choice. I have already made a selection. However, this is an ongoing process. The 5 cents per comment scheme raised $31 in about 11 days so the money for July can go to Angel Paws Animal Friends. And Marc said he will do the same thing next year. So stick around and see what happens.

    • it be great to help even if its a small amount to some well deserved charities as you all do such a faboulous job. Its good to see that no cat goes without having an food, and being looked after. Id be happy to give some this coming year though be a small amount. All helps for the good

      • Thanks a lot. That is very good of you. You can see that Marc is a very generous person and a wonderful supporter of animals and the domestic cat. I always feel that people should give back to the cat for all the pleasure and support that the cat gives us.

  3. So Michael I think we have been through alot of suggestions – I guess we have to decide – for England I think Kay’s Hill and for the US I guess we should discuss via email and then announce it here or just in the comments of a more current story.

    • I agree. I’ll read the comments today and summarise it and we can go from there. We should be able to agree something soon and donate soon thereafter.

  4. I want to recommend WarmFuzzys as they’ve had a very hard time. I also wish some could go to Abby’s Animal Angels. This is the rescue who’s responsible for adopting out our Mia, then rehoming her again when Mia was returned as a senior cat instead of 3 as the shelter said. Abby’s Angels has recently rescued several severely burned dogs from a puppy mill raid in Greenville. Vet bills will be in the thousands for two of the dogs. They also do weekly adoption events where Jennifer tries to find good homes for the cats and dogs she pulls from death row in Greenville, which is the same shelter I rescued from.

    • I agree with Elisa about Warmfuzzy’s. I would suggest them over The Cat Network, since Elisa also feels they are a worthy rescue. I can help The Cat Network, because I can walk over there with cans of cat food, money for their jar, and I even was able to give them things for their rummage sale fund raiser. I’d like to do something for Warmfuzzy’s, but money has been very tight lately and they are something like six hours away. It’s easier always to do things locally, and honestly, when it comes down to five dollars being all I can spare, I just end up putting it in the jar at The Cat Network instead of sending it via Paypal to Warmfuzzy’s. Not to put down anyone who would give a small donation, but I think Warmfuzzy’s needs a lot more help than five dollars here and there and I’m just not in a position to do that right now, unfortunately.

  5. It took me about two minutes to wake up to th e cause. Ask Patti Smith, my original punk heroine. Ask Robert Mapplethorpe. My original ‘punk’ heroes. We love cats with all of our hearts. >..< mrowr?


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