15% Off Fresh Air Premium Cat Litter By Pet Loo

This is a special 15% discount for PoC readers and visitors as a thank you for doing a review of the litter. In fact it was our most reliable of roving reporters and product testers, Ruth Young and her smart assistant, Monty (a handsome black cat), who actually did the review. Also, I understand that Mr Young acted as the odor control tester as he has a nose as sharp as Monty’s.

Pet Loo Litter
Pet Loo Litter

It was, then a team effort. And because of that sterling effort, I have been informed that the manufacturer is offering a 15% discount as a thank you.

If you want to take the offer all you have to do is go to the Pet Loo online shop and enter the discount code FETCHMEADISCOUNT at checkout. You will receive 15% off your Fresh Air Litter purchase.

That is the news for today! Tomorrow I’ll ask, “Are there any Siamese cats in Thailand (formerly Siam)?” And if there are, what do they look like?

The Burmese are importing Burmese cats into Burma (Myanmar) because they are scarce or non-existent. There are no Singapura cats in Singapore either. It makes you wonder if any of the stories of the history of the breeds are accurate.

What is going on? PoC is investigating….

2 thoughts on “15% Off Fresh Air Premium Cat Litter By Pet Loo”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Monty says thank you for the compliment. He also says he would like some more time outside this evening, please, and his food bowl is empty, so could someone please do something about that? Don’t listen to him. He’s terrorized enough chipmunks for one day and his bowl may be empty but his tummy is full.

    My husband is pleased about the coupon and wants me to buy some more of the Fresh Air litter because it did control odors better than Monty’s usual litter.

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