This is Freckles, a 16-year-old female tortie. She’s currently at a Wichita, Kansas veterinary clinic where the staff was told to euthanize her by her owner because he was “done with her.” Freckles is FIV positive.

Freckles is front declawed. Abandoned by her owner, she’s so confused and wants a safe forever home to live out her days. She doesn’t like being in a cage and doesn’t understand any of this.
Everything came back normal on Freckles. Her bloodwork and urinalysis were good except she was found FIV+. The Kansas Department of Agriculture regulations doesn’t allow rescues in Kansas to adopt out FIV cats so Freckles is looking for a home offered by a private adopter in Kansas or a rescue in Missouri (if she can even leave the state due to outdated laws).
A kind vet staff is trying to save this poor, sweet cat. Please inquire by contacting Kate Jacobs at 316-644-9378 or
Update: We are told that “Something is afoot to get Freckles to safety! We will update SOON!” So watch this space. As soon as I hear news I’ll add it to the page.
For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of being owned by an FIV+ cat, it’s just like having a regular cat except you have to act more quickly should the cat become ill. Which responsible owners do anyway.
Please share Freckles with friends in Kansas. Also feel free to post the link to this article on any group threads you think may be able to help Freckles. Her Facebook thread is here.
The shelter had him in sickbay. They were getting ready to euthanize him.
Follow Elisa on Facebook and Instagram.
Suzy, thanks for posting. You might try the UC Davis Facebook page. Explore the page:
There are lots of cats needing homes or to be reunited with their owners. You might get lucky. Good luck and well done.
Hi! I’m Suzy Hudson and I want to adopt a kitty from the Paradise fires. I was looking for a tortoise shell, but would take any kitty that needs a home. I live in Bonners Ferry, ID, but would be willing to go to the airport in Spokane, WA, to pick her/him up. I provide a loving and healthy home and would take care of a kitty in whatever condition she/he would be in. I have a five month old tortoise shell kitty who is getting spayed this month and would give anything to be able to help with another.
Unfortunately since she is fiv+ she needs to be kept away from any other sick animals because not only is she more susceptible to getting sick but she is much more likely to die from an illness due to her weakened immune system. So that wouldn’t be the best choice. 😞
Correct Shannon! I actually just found this out at the vet yesterday with my senior FIV cat. She looks so good for her age and doesn’t have any symptoms of ANY illness. I rescued her about 3 years ago after she was abandoned so I don’t know her fill medical history but it is possible she was vaccinated and apparently will always test positive now.