Elderly Woman Avoids Jail For Feeding Feral Cats

By Elisa Black-Taylor Gerri Dempsey, 71, of Conway, SC was facing jail time for violating Conway ordinance Section 9-2-2. This ordinance states that it is: “unlawful for any person to maintain within the city, any residence, building, place, condition or thing which is offensive to the public health, safety or morals and which amounts …

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Feline Diabetes and Diet

Modern cat food has almost eliminated feline diseases caused by an inadequate diet. At one time most people fed their cats human food scraps – whatever came to hand. Certainly cat food was far less refined than it is today. However, it could be argued that in some respects commercial cat food is too …

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Curled Cat Coiled Snake Comparison

Nearly all of us know about cats mimicking a snake’s hiss as a way of defending themselves. The snake is obviously known throughout the animal world as a dangerous creature. The whole defensive measure is based on that. It is also based on the sound of the snake. The interesting thing about the cat …

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3207 Reasons To Relinquish Your Cat

Yes, there are at least 3,207 reasons to relinquish your cat according to a study by the Regional Shelter Relinquishment Survey (Salman and others in 1998). Here are the top 41 reasons. The reasons are interesting and warrant a bit of a discussion. Cat Behavior Problems At the base of the spreadsheet I have …

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