Newspaper Misleads on Cat Predation of Birds

Once again a newspaper has misreported a study on cat predation that is misleading in itself. It is double trouble and unfair on the domestic cat. I have to at least report this, briefly. This time it is the Times newspaper of June 29th 2013. The article was written by Toom Whipple and Oliver …

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Kind British Cop and Vet save French Cat

This is a story of kindness from a British police officer and a British veterinarian who together managed to reunite a French tabby cat with his French owners in Le Havre after he had taken a cross channel ferry to Dover, England. The players: Cat – Poussey (a French name) – a three year …

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Dallas Man Sentenced To 10 Years For Killing Kitten

A Dallas man was sentenced on June 27 to 10 years in prison for killing his girlfriend’s kitten. A jury convicted Edwon Julian, 36, of felony animal cruelty, and he’ll have to serve at least five years before becoming eligible for parole. In the same incident, Julian was acquitted of assaulting Rosa Dismuke, who …

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It’s about time cities looked at licensing cats. Discuss

We are discussing the USA here. Calgary does it. Winnipeg is thinking about it. What do cat owners think about it? I am certain that most cat owners don’t like the idea of licensing cats because it curtails their freedoms (nanny state) and adds an extra expense to living. The anti-cat license lobby say …

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