Five stray dogs saved a girl from a rapist

Strange story reported on the Que Pasa Salta website and spotted by Harvey. There is occasionally room on PoC for dogs. I hope people agree. There are no pictures – sorry. Location: Argentina. This is an amended Google translation: Yesterday a girl of 12 years was caught in the street by a pedophile. When …

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UK: 37,000 Abandoned Animals in 12 Months

Even in Britain, a nation of animal lovers, some people treat their pet like a piece of rubbish – trash. Going away on holiday? Can’t afford a cat or dog sitter or boarding cattery fees? Just throw your dog away in the nearest skip. That has happened. In 2012 the RSPCA were called out …

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Calming Collar: Learning From Amazon?

Would you buy this product? I am not pocking this product! “Pocking” means criticising products and people on PoC. There are many cat products on Amazon. It is possible – if care and skepticism are exercised –  to get some good insights into cat behavior, and more importantly human behavior in relation to cats, …

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Cornell University Discovers Mutation That Causes FIP

According to the Cornell Chronicle issue dated June 21, 2013, scientists at the university have identified the exact changes that turn a harmless virus into the deadly virus responsible for feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). This is a major breakthrough, as research has been going on for 30+ years in hopes of finding the mutation …

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