Online petitions are not worth a hill of beans. Discuss

Online Petitions

All over the internet, on petition websites and on social media sites there are petitions and protests. Hundreds of thousands of signatures are collected. Millions of people “like” the FB protest pages.

Some of the best petitions are against animal cruelty, illegal international trade in wildlife which is worth billions every year, illegal behavior by police and so on.

Do the wildlife smugglers give a damn? Are the police concerned by these petitions? Are governments worried? No.

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Police Shoot Companion Animal For No Reason

Actually there was a reason: there was an ongoing feud between the dog’s owner and the local police because he has made complaints against the police.

I can’t watch the video and haven’t watched it but it needs to be spread around because I think this behavior is an example of how society is becoming more stressed. That stress is affecting how people behave including the police.

The police are becoming too defensive and they are overreacting. It is isn’t just in America. In Britain it is probably worse. You can’t demonstrate in Britain anymore. The police just corral you (called “kettling”) and then arrest you for nothing.

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F1 Savannah Cats and Serval at Home

A series of exotic Savannah cat pictures. I believe that all the Savannahs are F1s (first filial or the offspring of a serval father and domestic cat mother). Therefore they are very impressive and large domestic cats that look similar to the wild cat serval.

You will also see a tame serval. The home belongs to Jean Pierre. I don’t know much else except for the obvious. The pictures were taken by Kathrin Stucki of A1 Savannahs. I presume A1 Savannahs raised these cats.

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Tortie Cat and Cuddly Parrot

Just a cat picture on Pictures of! You may have seen it already. I hadn’t until yesterday. It is one of those glorious interspecies friendships. Both the cat and parrot are smart. The parrot is particularly smart as I recall. One of the smartest animals, which is why he chose a cat as a friend.

As a bonus the cat is stunning. There is bit of white in the coat but I don’t it think qualifies this cat to be called a calico, but perhaps I am wrong.

Tortie cat and cuddly parrot
Tortie cat and cuddly parrot

Click for a list of pages on PoC of interspecies friendships and liaisons.

Red’s Memorial: Decision on Donations

This a follow up page to Remembering Red and the page on how to place charitable donations (both links open a new tab so you stay on this page). This is my selection subject to any further ideas. I have read all the comments which discussed where the money should go. Thank you very …

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UK: 50 Cats under 24 Hour Surveillance

This is the BBC television program that I have referred to when discussing the typical home range of the British domestic cat. Update Dec 30th 2014: the BBC video has been deleted because of a copyright violation so I have substituted something very similar. The cats wear a GPS (global positioning satellite) tracking device …

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