What causes feline hyperthyroidism?

To answer the question I’ll refer to two well known, first class books. One source1 heads a section on the subject, “Hyperthyroidism (thyroid cancer). That is a firm statement. The authors states: “Hyperthyroidism in cat is almost always associated with a cancer“, either benign or malignant. The cancer causes increased thyroid hormone production. Second …

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USA: Cat Illness, Trends and Statistics

This is a page that gives some clues as to cat health trends in the USA backed up by statistics. Banfield Pet Hospital is the world’s largest veterinary practice. It is an American business operating in America. The company has a poor policy on declawing, which I have to mention as they dealt with …

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Daily Close Moment With Your Cat

It is useful – more than useful – to spend a quiet moment, at least once per day, with your cat when you are close to each other and exchanging affection for each other. In cat terms it is, mutual allogrooming. It is a time-out session when you connect closely with your cat. It …

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Telepathy: Connect Deeply with Your Cat

Do you believe in using telepathy to better connect and communicate with your cat? Joan Ranquet does. She is “an internationally renowned animal communicator and bestselling author” of Communication with all Life, Revelations of an Animal Communicator, published by Hay House. She also wrote Animal Communication 101, Simple Steps for Communicating with Animals (available …

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Declaw Bouquets and Brickbats for Veterinarians

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra Definition of a virtual bouquet: A compliment or expression of praise. Definition of a virtual brickbat: A remark or comment that is highly critical and typically insulting. Rose’s thoughts on another page about Pine Grove Animal Hospital inspired this article and poster: She said: ‘Just been mulling this over and …

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