Cats: Leash Laws, Licenses, Regulated Feeding Outside, Government Funded TNR

To regulate, through laws, cat ownership or not. That is the question. View Larger Map This is a radical change in policy on how cat owners should keep cats. Whereas in most places there is little or no regulation in the form of local laws as to how people should keep their cats and …

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Domestic Cat Weight Statistics

These statistics are from a poll that PoC has run for about 5 years. The figures mainly relate to American cats because for most of the five years Americans predominately visited the site. That has changed recently and now British visitors outnumber Americans. The figures are interesting because the weights are considerably higher than …

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Assisted Dying for Cats and People

Cat euthanasia can be abused, while assisted dying for people is underused. Discuss. What is “assisted dying”? For me, it means a person helping another person to voluntarily die because they are terminally ill. It is a form of euthanasia. A person requires assistance because he or she, voluntarily of their own free will, …

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Cat Scratching a Scratching Post Pictures

This is about cat scratching. Valley Girl (VG), in America, took a very nice picture of her super, rescued, polydactyl, smokey, female Maine Coon, Tootsie, with a ruff to match anything from 16th century Europe. She has the best ruff you’ll see on a cat but this post is not about Tootsie’s ruff, it’s …

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