Worrying Cat Ownership and Veterinarian Statistics

In the USA, the number of companion animal veterinary practitioners has increased significantly. However, the number of cat owners has decreased slightly. A third statistic has always disturbed me: the number of annual visits to a veterinarian by a typical cat owner is less than half that of a dog owner. Is that because …

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Halloween costumes for pets to top $330 million

By Elisa Black-Taylor So, do any of you celebrate Halloween with your pets? Do you buy into the excitement of going to a pet store and buying your cat or dog a costume? Or will you purchase materials and make your pet a costume from “scratch?” Regardless of how you and your pet celebrate …

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Betty White devoted her life to improving the lives of animals

Betty White is described as an “actress, comedienne, singer, author and television personality”. I doubt if she finds the description complete because she says that she has devoted her life to trying to improve the lives of animals. I wonder if “animal advocate” (or “animal health advocate”) should be part of her CV and …

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Cat Saliva. A Discussion

Cat saliva is similar to human saliva. It contains bacteria as does human saliva. It also contains antibacterial agents that helps prevent infections. Cat saliva does not contain antiseptics or disinfectants. Here is the detail…. When people, who know a bit about cats, think of cat saliva they might think of four things (a) …

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