Alpha Cats: Are we Doing them Justice Placing Them in this Category?

Like wolves; dogs travel in packs, ordered by rank. The highest ranking dog is the Alpha male. Pack members with lower ranking are submissive to dogs who rank higher. Some dog trainers believe that canines consider their owner to be the ‘alpha’ dog, and base their training methods on this theory; while others train …

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UK: Video: Kittens And Puppies Waiting to Be Dissected At Animal Testing Lab

Nina Fodale on the Causes website is calling for a full investigation into the animal testing that is carried out at MSD Animal Health in the UK having watched the video below: March 2, 2014, the Daily Mail reported on this horrific story of kittens and puppies involved in animal testing in the UK. The …

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Pet Shops Should Only Offer Rescued Animals for Adoption

Pet shops should sell pet related products and any animals in their stop should be rescue animals so that one (the products) complements the other (the rescue animals).  This is the ideal that animal advocates seek. Although this high goal has not been achieved in Connecticut, Gov Malloy commemorated the signing-off of an animal …

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JULIANNE WESTBERRY – the disturbing continuing story (more dead than living cats)

A lot has happened in the week since Julianne Westberry of Belton, South Carolina was arrested after being found with 37 dead cats and 32 live cats in her home (based on what the police have said). Please click on this link to see the last article on this tragedy, which links to the …

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Jerky Pet Treats Made with Contaminated Food Source

This is a cross-post and follow-up to the Chinese jerky treat scandal that rumbled on and on because the FDA were unable to definitively establish that this product was contaminated despite the protestations of thousands of dog owners (and some cat owners) including over 1000 dog deaths. I’ll keep this post very short because …

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