Internet Study Indicates an Association Between Cat Scratches and Depression

Introduction from Michael (Admin): I feel that I have to introduce this article by Jo because it is a very complicated area and scientists write in a language which is not easily interpreted by non-scientists. In addition, studies are often a collation of information harvested from other studies and therefore they can compound inaccuracies …

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Man Incorrectly Punished For Not Having a Cat Licence?

Dan Smith goes to police

This story illustrates the great difficulty in enforcing a law which creates an obligation on a cat owner to register her/his cat. Currently, throughout America (and Australia), there are discussions about how to minimise unwanted cats through better cat ownership. One proposal is to make it obligatory to obtain a cat license through registration. …

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Prophet Muhammad Was Not A Cat Lover

Depiction of Prophet Muhammad

Across the internet you’ll read about the Muslim Faith. One well-recited aspect of it is that the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam and its central figure, loved cats. It is documented in a Hadith (a verbatim report of the sayings of the Prophet). I have written about Muhammad’s love of cats myself: “Mohammed’s …

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