From Construction and Roofing to Looking after 100 Cats – the Cat Man

Cat Man David

David “Bobo” Svoboda likes the cat room at the Humane Society of South-Western Michigan to “pop”. What he means is that he likes the room to be bright and friendly. He also likes it to be organised. He wants the cats to feel as comfortable as possible. This provides us with an insight into …

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What is Natural Cat Litter?

I may be naïve and out of touch with cat litters because my cat does not use a litter. He goes outside. However, I’ve only recently discovered the term “natural cat litter”. It sounds attractive. As long as a natural cat litter is as good as an “unnatural” one, everybody should buy the natural …

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TNR Advocates, Friends of Felines Cape Hatteras Island Offer $1000 Reward

Friends of Felines

Cape Hatteras Island is a long, skinny barrier island off the coast of North Carolina. It appears to be quite near where the well-known author about cats, Elisa-Black Taylor lives. She has written for PoC for many years. The mission statement of the Friends of Felines Cape Hatteras Island is to gradually and humanely …

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