Husband jealous of wife’s love for her cats beats tiny kitten to death

‘Humans are more important than cats so I don’t care.’ The words of Norman Wilson, 48, who was jealous of the love the family cats received from his disabled wife so he beat a very young cat, Tiny Tim, to death. But it does not stop there. Ten other family cats have died in …

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“Nature-Lover” shot dead purebred Oriental Shorthair cat because he believed he was feral

This is in Adelaide, Australia. Kent Wilson saw Spock, a two-year-old, black Oriental Shorthair cat belonging to neighbours, on his 5 acre refuge for native flora and fauna. He shot Spock dead without doing any checks because he observed Spock hunting on his property and he was concerned that he would kill animals. He …

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$5000 of Water Damage to Florida Humane Society Shelter Was Not Caused by a Cat

ABC News have a headline which states that a cat or cats caused $5,000 worth of flood damage to a Florida Humane Society shelter because it has been decided that one of the cats turned on a faucet (tap) which was then left running for about 17 hours resulting in massive flooding throughout the …

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Mercury, in a cat rabies vaccine, is dangerous but is it in the vaccine?

We are told that pet owners and veterinarians should use mecury-free rabies vaccines. In fact that applies to any vaccines. This is because mercury is toxic to pets and people (as I understand it). It is used as a preservative and/or antiseptic in vaccines. I am also told by Drs Becker and Shultz that …

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Loyal, Beautiful Cat Won’t Say Goodbye To Elderly Owner Who Went To A Care Home

Elderly Nancy Cowen went to live in a care home (nursing home), Bramley House, some distance from her home. She gave her cat, Cleo, to one of her neighbours. About two weeks into living at the care home, Cleo turns up at Bramley House and hangs around. She slept outside the door of the …

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Forty veterinary hospitals throughout Hillsborough County say that Alley Cat Allies make fraudulent statements supporting TNR

The Hillsborough Animal Health Foundation (HAHF), which is supported by 40 animal hospitals throughout Hillsborough County say, on their website, that the well-known and well-respected Alley Cat Allies make fraudulent statements in support of trap-neuter-release (TNR) programs. That’s quite a strong statement to make, which is why I am reporting it. It is almost …

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