Making it obligatory to adopt out cats from animal testing laboratories

Woman telling people what she thinks of animal testing

Why do animal testing laboratories have to be forced to adopt out the cats that they have abused? The norm is to kill (euphemism: euthanize) cats after they have been tested upon. I don’t understand it. Most of the time (nearly all of the time?) the cats are still healthy after being tested upon. …

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Why can dogs learn their names and cats cannot?

Cat training

The question is false because cats can ‘learn their names’. In truth, neither cats nor dogs learn their names. They learn the sound of their names and attach it to a reward as opposed to understand the meaning of their name (as a label) and attaching it to themselves. That’s my opinion. For cats …

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What examples are there of cats showing care for their humans?

Cat showing she cares for her human companion

This pseudo-philosophical question can only be answered if we first clarify the roles of human and cat in this relationship. You have to do that because cats are physically incapable of doing some things that humans cat do which allow humans to express their caring attitude towards their cats. Humans show that they care …

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