Samson: cat dumped in NC now in a loving home and is a gorgeous boy (pictures)

Justice for Samson

This is another update and the final one on Samson the cat who was dumped in NC on June 22nd 2017 by Michelle Raymond who was charged and convicted of animal abandonment and cruelty. Specifically Raymond was charged with the misdemeanour charge of abandonment of an animal and the felony of cruelty to animals. …

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Why are mountain lions called painters?

'Painter' corrupted from panther

There is a simple reason why mountain lions are called painters. ‘Painter’ is a local American name for the puma (Felis concolor). Many early white settlers to America referred to the puma as the American panther. The word ‘panther‘ was corrupted to ‘painter’. In many rural districts of the mid-western and eastern US this …

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Do snow leopards have predators?

Snow leopard

Do snow leopards have predators? The answer is a clear, No, with one notable exception: the human. The reason is a common sense one: there are no predators as able as the snow leopard over much of its range. Apart from humans the snow leopard’s only competitors are wolves. I can’t confirm if the …

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Work to be done on legitimising feral cat culls

Eugenie Sage

This is the political problem with the mass culling of feral cats in either New Zealand or Australia. The Australian authorities want to kill – by any practical means even it is cruel – millions of feral cats in Australia and that mentality has been promulgated by Dr Morgan in New Zealand. The Conservation …

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