Picture of a tiny, dark chocolate Oriental Shorthair kitten with huge ears and sharp claws sitting in a hand

Strange looking kitten

The Oriental SH is known for slenderness and long legs and, yes, large ears but this strange looking individual has really odd ears. The breeders have altered the anatomy of this cat to the point where the the animal looks unlike a cat as we know it. I know breeders want to take selective …

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Albuquerque woman sues the city for compensation over TNR saying her house value has dropped

Woman sues the city over TNR

Marcy Britton, described as an ‘animal welfare activist’ says that TNR (trap-neuter-release of feral cats) has turned her property into a feral cat colony. She says that it does more harm than good and her home has lost value. “It’s a gruesome, inhumane, illegal, thing to do to any animal…” The city of Albuquerque …

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What do Americans think about the European Union’s statement that they support the right of domestic cats to freedom of movement?

Larry and Boris

You may have picked up on the claim by a couple of Dutch professors that European Union laws prevent cat owners allowing their cats to go outside except on a leash. The scientists’ argument is that free-roaming outside cats damage wildlife, particularly birds – the old, classic argument that we hear a lot. Incidentally, …

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Integrity of US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in question on pet food quality

Vitamin D premix issue exposes possible cosy relationship between FDA and Hills

Susan Thixton on her website ends one of her articles with the sentence: “Is FDA protecting their friends in pet food again?” She knows the business inside out and she is alleging that a government agency, the FDA, lacks integrity and is working with, in this case, Hills Pet Food to protect the manufacturer. …

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Stratford teen will go back to court after breaking court order not to have or live with animals

English violated court order (Galen Simmons/Beacon Herald)

A Stratford, Ontario teen who was arrested earlier this year and convicted of animal cruelty will possibly be spending time in jail after breaching terms ordered by a judge. The teen will go back to court in January after breaking a court order not to have or live with animals Austin English, 19, posted …

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Domestic cat ‘lean’ which tells you that she likes the way you stroke and touch her

Domestic cat 'lean'

My cat does this all the time. Does yours? When I am about to pet him by stroking the side of face and down his shoulder and on to his flank, he leans towards me as if he is placing a bit of resistance to my stroking before I have commenced. He likes it …

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Cats dumped in cardboard box with message “Need a Home – Merry Xmas. Please Help Them”

Need a home - Merry Xmas. Please help them. Family of cats abandoned outside a hospital in UK.

This is a novel way to abandon a family of domestic cats. Two cats and three kittens were dumped in a cardboard box and left outside Luton and Dunstable University Hospital at about 8am on November 25 (last Monday). A hospital worker spotted them and immediately contacted the RSPCA who sent around an inspector …

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