What is cat fur made of?

Cat hair strand showing the overlapping cuticle cells

The fur coat of a cat is made up of 68,250,000 (68.25 million) hair strands. The calculation is difficult to make accurately in my view. The calculation is 25,000 hair strands per square centimeter multiplied by 2,730 square centimeters total surface area of the cat. Each hair strand is made mostly of keratin. This …

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Is it okay for cats to eat flies and spiders?

Cat attacking a spider

Yes, it is perfectly okay for domestic cats to eat flies, spiders and bugs of all kinds but see the caveat below. Wasps and bees are a problem because they can get stung. But it is completely natural for domestic cats to consider flies and spiders as prey. The insatiable curiosity and drive to …

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Lost cat returned to former home 20 miles away and waited 7 years for owner to come

Tabs and John on Christmas Day

Sheppey, UK: Seven years ago John and Jude Kinloch moved home from Gillingham to Sheppey, Kent, UK. After their move their cat, Tabs who was 12 at the time, disappeared. He was lost. It transpired that he had returned to his former home about 20 miles away. Tabs remained in the area of that …

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Elderly woman wants her beloved cat back because new owner is in breach of contract

Cat being petted.

Syracuse, NY: An elderly woman, Carol Money, felt that she had to give up her beloved Norwegian Forest Cat, Lacie, because at 72 years of age Carol was no longer able to lift her cat onto her bed to allow her to sleep with her at night, an activity her cat loved. She relinquished …

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Picture of firefighters giving oxygen to cat rescued from house fire is a classic

Classic picture of firefighters administering oxygen to cat rescued from house fire

This is another classic cat rescue photograph from the public services sector, this time from the firefighters of Longview, Washington, USA. Longview is on the banks of the Columbia River which is the border between the states of Oregon and Washington. This is why the story has been reported in The Oregonian online. The …

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Picture of cat stuck in car engine compartment is a classic

This cat picture is by the Animal Services Division of the City of Rancho Cordova in California. It is a classic because domestic cats stuck in engine compartments (the place where the engine in housed) are commonplace in winter. I have seen many pictures of cats stuck in this warm area of a vehicle …

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