How did this cat get a claw in her eye?

Simon, Rey and the claw sheath removed from her eye

NEWS/OPINION-COVENTRY, UK: Coventry veterinarian Simon Pudsey had never seen it before he said; a one-year-old cat with an ‘entire’ claw stuck in one of her eyes. The cat, Rey, was at the veterinary clinic for flea treatment, deworming and a checkup and Rey’s owner, Matt, asked Simon to have a look at his cat’s …

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China calls for a revolution in diet to stop its citizens eating exotic and potentially dangerous animal parts

Change in China's attitude towards diet

There is a bright silver lining to the coronavirus outbreak which started in China and which is frightening many people across the planet because it is perilously close to being a pandemic. The silver lining is that the administrators of China, and I hope its citizens, are reflecting on their habit of eating exotic …

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Can cats get coronavirus?

Pangolin parts for sale at China market

People are asking Google whether domestic cats can get coronavirus and this is a good question. The answer, as at the date of this post, is not entirely clear. The world has one case of a companion animal ostensibly contracting coronavirus and that is companion dog whose owner is infected with the virus (covid-19). …

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Some cat food manufacturers regularly change ingredient composition of the same food

ingredients in some cat food changes

This is an interesting report from the PHYS.ORG website about the inconsistency in terms of ingredients of commercially available cat food. You’d have thought that the same cat food that you regularly buy day in and day out was identical but it is not according to a study carried out by researchers at North …

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Picture of chimera cat Quimera

Here is a picture of a rare chimera cat whose name is Quimera and who lives in Argentina. I have some more articles on this cat coat and one on how I think the split face is created (see below). I have written about Quimera before but this is an improved photograph. The odd-eye …

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You can give a cat a blood transfusion with canine blood once only

Treating an anemic cat with a blood transfusion of canine blood

The transfusion of blood from another species to another (called xenotransfusion), in this case, canine blood to a cat has been performed and it is still performed nowadays in some countries. It was performed recently in the UK when a friendly, female domestic shorthair cat, Princess, very suddenly became lethargic and withdrawn at home. …

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COVID-19: Moscow’s attitude mirrors that of London during 1665 bubonic plague

Wuhan, China: streets are empty

OPNION ON NEWS FROM MOSCOW, RUSSIA: Moscow officials are killing stray cats and dogs because of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus epidemic). A Moscow official has declared that Moscow will be totally cleared of stray animals including rats. This is my interpretation of the statement of Elena Andreeva (Moscow head of the Rospotrepnadzor – the consumer …

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