Adorable synchronised walk from cats with ataxia

Pablo and Bones suffer from ataxia due to cerebellar hypoplasia

These cats are adorable and they are best mates and great cat companions. They both have to deal with the challenge of ataxia – poor coordination due to cerebellar hypoplasia. The condition is stable and does not deteriorate. It is a congenital condition. The brain’s cerebellum – the coordination centre of the brain – …

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Domestic cat makes weird cat sound but how weird is it?

Elizabeth with Clark and Bea their other cat

Kelso, Washington, USA: Elizabeth Opdycke, 22, and her husband, Michael, must have sent a video of their cat calling from an area of their home to the Daily Mail online. The sound that their cat, Clark, makes is clearly unusual. It is definitely a call to attract the attention of the significant others in …

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SHOCK HORROR- CORONAVIRUS, CHINA: Panicked Chinese Are Throwing Their Cats Out Of Tower Block Windows

Chinese throw cats and dogs out of towerblock windows in panic over animals spreading novel coronavirus

In a tragic series of events, some Chinese cat and dog owners have panicked and thrown their companion animals out of the windows of tower blocks to their death. Apparently it started after a scientist on Chinese state television, Dr Li Lanjuan, said that if pets come into contact with suspected patients they should …

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Taylor Swift’s cats eat off the same table as her. Why the shock?

Olivia eats off table

Kathryn Lindsay writing on the refinery29 website and published on msn lifestyle website gives me the impression that she is shocked at the fact that in the new Netflix documentary ‘Miss America’ Taylor Swift is seen shaking out a pile of dry cat food for her cat Olivia at the table where she is …

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Do Siamese cats have bad teeth?

Modern Siamese

Periodontitis appears to be more common in Siamese cats and the family of breeds associated with the Siamese e.g. the Oriental Shorthair. And increased susceptibility also occurs among cats who have repeated viral respiratory infections. Periodontitis progresses from gingivitis and is an infection of the teeth and gums. The supporting structures of the teeth …

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