City of Shenzhen, China prepares to ban cat and dog meat

Eating cat and dog meat in Yulin

NEWS AND OPINION – SHENZHEN, CHINA: The city administrators of the metropolis called Shenzhen in southeastern China, with a population of 12.5 million, is preparing to ban cat and dog meat in light of the coronavirus which is believed to have been caused by the slaughtering of wild animals at a live animal market …

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Stasi-style cat curfew in Adelaide slammed by Brian May

Brian May and cat

Adelaide, South Australia, has introduced a cat curfew law which requires cat owners to keep their cats inside between 9pm and 7am the next morning. The idea is to stop domestic cats preying on Aussie wildlife. For the Australia authorities this is a headache which they have struggled with for years, which has been …

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On the shelves in April: cat food which stops you being allergic to your cat

Purina LiveClear cat food to prevent people being allergic to their cats

In Pro Plan LiveClear, Purina has presented what they consider to be a breakthrough in helping people who are allergic to cats. It is estimated that about one in five people are allergic to domestic cats and many are prevented from adopting a cat because of their allergy. Others suffer from a cat allergy …

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Picture of a cat protecting a little monkey from a large dog

Cat protecting a little monkey from a large dog

Comment: This is an interesting picture. It is very rare to see this. It looks as if the photo was taken in southeast Asia. The cat is a street cat and the monkey has formed a close relationship with the cat. The dog is large and threatening and probably a street dog. We don’t …

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