Do cats fear death?

Cats don't think of heaven

No, cats do not fear death. The reason is straightforward. Cats are not self-aware by which I mean self-conscious. Some people will dispute that statement. I’ll proceed though. As they are not self-aware when they are in pain or discomfort due to a chronic illness which is killing them or a sudden trauma and …

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Does a cat care about closed doors?

Cat door on an inside door might be a good idea

Yes, cats care about closed doors as they get in the way of their day-to-day acitivities without any perceived rhyme or reason. The problem is that cats don’t really understand doors. They are a human invention designed to compartmentalise places. Instinctively domestic cats don’t see the world as compartmentalised. When they are closed, doors …

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Do snow leopards live in Antarctica?

Does the snow leopard live in Antarctica?

No, snow leopards don’t live in Antartica. They live thousands of miles from Antarctica as the map below shows you. Think of the high plains of the Plateau of Tibet and the cold mountains of Mongolia. These are the sort of places where they live. These are wide open, vast areas where humans are …

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Earless tortie cat the first to be rehomed by Battersea Dogs & Cats in lockdown

Missy after the op

From a medical standpoint this is a story about domestic cat head shaking. It is instructional. It is also a story about the brilliant work carried out by this famous animal rescue centre. A lot of people ask, ‘Why is my cat shaking her head?’ It is a common health problem. This is a …

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Are Ragdoll cats destructive?

Ragdoll Ophelia

You can’t ask if Ragdoll cats are destructive as it is unwise to generalise too much particularly as this character trait is unusual. The question presupposes that all the cats of a single cat breed have exactly the same character trait; in this instance destructiveness. That’s not right. You can ask if an individual …

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