Indecent: cat killed on road was disposed of by council in roadside ditch


AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND: A one-eyed tabby cat called Muffin living in the Auckland area of New Zealand (Titirangi) was killed on the road. Her owners, as is quite typical, did not know what had happened to her and they put out a call on a community Facebook page to try and find out. Facebook …

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Why do servals have big ears and short tails?

Seval big ears short tail

The answer is fairly straightforward. They have big ears because most of their hunting takes place in long grass detecting small mammals with their ears. They can pick up the sound of prey travelling through the undergrowth with their highly sensitive ears and huge ocelli (ear flaps). The serval’s long legs go with their …

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My cat’s breath smells bad

Feline bad breath

“My cat’s breath smells bad” is a common concern for cat owners. Bad breath is called “halitosis”. The problem shouldn’t be as common as it is because it is likely to be the consequence of a failure to observe a cat’s mouth without wishing to be overly critical. This may sound a bit odd …

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What is the difference between feline leukaemia and feline AIDS?

Feline AIDS versus feline leukemia

They are both caused by a virus and therefore there is no difference there. Feline leukaemia virus disease complex (FeLV) is transmitted by infected saliva. Bites, sharing water or food bowls and cat-to-cat grooming can spread the disease. Feline AIDS (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus‎ – FIV) is spread in a similar fashion because that too …

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New feline viral disease discovered in Vancouver

Virus clipart

VANCOUVER: Veterinarians and scientists have decided that a brand-new feline disease has become evident at the SPCA’s animal centre in Vancouver. They say that it is a virus and that it affected 43 cats in British Columbia. The story goes back to 2018, apparently, when eight cats fell ill with it suffering from symptoms …

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