What do Abyssinian cats look like?

The Abyssinian cat is an athletic looking companion animal. People who breed Abyssinian cats i.e. those in the cat fancy, might describe the cat’s body as “foreign” which means slightly slender. This is descriptive of an athletic, lively, hardened and muscular cat which shows eager activity and a lively interest in things that are …

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University of Guelph’s one cat meal a day study ignores the size of the stomach

Size of cat's stomach

The domestic cat’s stomach is too small for a big, one meal a day mild fasting, feeding regime as suggested by the University of Guelph researchers. I discuss this. You may have read about the well-publicised study carried out by the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada in which the researchers came to the conclusion …

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5 fruits that domestic cats shouldn’t eat

Helmi Flick's photo at her home studio of SC Surreal's Trick or Treat "Fruit Loops", an 8 month old Tortie Smoke Persian Female from Leesa and Mike Altschul! The picture is protected by copyright please note.

People ask whether our domestic cat companions can eat watermelon, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, apples, mangoes, pineapple, apricots, kiwi, nectarines, pears and cantaloupe! 🙂 . The fact is that studies on the small wild cat species frequently find fruit in their stomachs and in their faeces. It is not that unusual for …

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Killing cat fleas by drowning and using soap

Cat flea

There is a lot of talk on the Internet about killing cat fleas by drowning and using soap. I’d like to discuss these options in this article. Do cat fleas live on dogs? Can flea collars make cats sick? Drowning You can drown fleas if you force them underwater and hold them there for …

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