Amazing video: cat copies her owner’s complex movements

Japanese dog trainer trains her cat to carry out complex movements

Although we know that cats can be trained to do things, in this video you will see a charming cat copying their owner carrying out some relatively complex movements. The owner demonstrates the movement that she wants her cat to do and then asked her cat to do it. The cat carried out the …

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Pet savings account to pay for self-insurance

Pet savings account

A designated pet savings account at your bank is a good way to manage self-insurance for cat and dog companion health. A little while ago I suggested that self-insurance is a better way to insure your pet’s health because you avoid the administration charges of a big insurance company and their necessity to make …

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Are packing peanuts safe for cats?

Bio-peanuts are non-toxic to cats

It is difficult to provide a straightforward answer to the question in the title. However, things have changed with respect to “packing peanuts”. These are Styrofoam packing materials. Traditionally they were made of polystyrene which is made from petroleum-based substances. However, my research tells me that since the early 1990s starch-based packing peanuts have …

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Do cats’ paws fall asleep?

Why no pins-and-needles!?

In other words, do cats get pins-and-needles in their feet? We don’t know the answer for sure. We can guess pretty accurately, though, that cats don’t get pins-and-needles in their paws and lower legs – the area below the hock. You won’t find scholarly articles on this but there will be anecdotal evidence. My …

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