Towser, holds the record for the champion mouser of all time

Towser the queen of mousers

It’s nice to recognise the useful hunting skills of the domestic cat and Towser (1963-1987) holds the record for the champion mouser of all time. She was a tortoiseshell cat owned by Glenturret Distillery, near Crieff, Tayside, Scotland. She is reported to have killed an average of three mice a day, every day of …

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Lucian Freud accused of throwing kitten over farm wall to taunt rival

Lucian Freud

Jon Lys Turner was a friend of Richard Chopping, an artist who illustrated the covers of eight James Bond 007 books by Ian Fleming, the creator of the character. Chopping was a rival of Lucian Freud. They knew each other through Fleming’s wife Ann and they went to the same art school. Chopping hated …

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Immunocontraceptives as a potential feral cat population management tool

Virally-vectored immunocontraceptives as a potential population management tool

I have just seen a tweet from Ellen Cottingham of the University of Melbourne, Australia. The tweet is below. It seemed to be saying to me that in Australia’s drive to eradicate feral cats from their continent they have tried everything and are now looking at feline immunocontraceptives as a potential population management tool. …

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Australia is killing all their feral cats and now they have a mouse plague

Mouse plague of Australia

It is said that Australia’s out-of-control mouse plague could last for up to 2 years unless the government takes urgent action in giving farmers free poison which is an anticoagulant. The mice die of internal bleeding. The trouble is that the poison is dangerous to other wildlife. Trying to kill a specific animal with …

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