Australians will be able to take their cats on planes out of a carrier

Cat on a plane out of carrier

NEWS AND COMMENT: It seems like the Holy Grail of feline air travel because a change is afoot in Australia. Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority is relaxing the rules governing the transportation of pets on aircraft. It’s reported that pets could soon be allowed to join their owners in the cabins and depending upon …

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Missing therapy pets of the collapsed Florida tower collapse

Mia a cat missing from the Florida tower collapse

NEWS AND VIEWS: You must have heard about the dramatic and tragic collapse of the apartment building called Champlain Towers South Condo near Miami beach. Several days ago, the news said that there were 159 people missing but as the days go by we expect more and more victims to be discovered of which …

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Nice guy worried about his cat stuck in tree gets stuck himself

Nice guy worried about his cat stuck in a tree got stuck himself when he tried to rescue him

What I love about this video is the care, professionalism and attention to detail exercised by the Tulsa Fire Department. I bet they just turned up without a complaint and got the guy down really nicely and safely because I’m sure he was frightened, and then they went home, job done. I also feel …

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