Cat survived being stabbed 10 times and stuffed in a deep freeze by owner

Suzanne Bennet

RADCLIFFE, GREATER MANCHESTER, UK – NEWS AND COMMENT: Suzanne Bennett, 48, has been described as being mentally ill with the ability to abuse alcohol to the point where she drank three bottles of wine and then stabbed the cat that she said she loved, Poppy, 10 times. She was charged and tried for her …

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Average weight of a sand cat

Sand cat

Here are some weight spreads and average weights of sand cats living in Russia, Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria. A nice range of countries. All weights are in kilograms. To convert to pounds multiply by 2.205. Of the 12 male sand cats in Russia the weight range was 2.1-3.4. Five females in Russia weighed 2.2 with …

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2 hazards for cats when eating dry cat food

Some dry cat food pellets or particles thereof can be inhaled

I am discussing two potential hazards for domestic cats when eating dry cat food. First, though, I believe that some manufacturers make dry food pellets too small in the interests of cat health. I believe that the optimum size of dry cat food pellets should be the oral care type of pellet which is …

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Owl defends itself with impressive body language in stand-off with tabby cat

Owl defends itself against the presence of a domestic cat by making itself much larger. The cat response in kind.

This impressive owl has made itself look much larger and it rocks from side to side as a means to display body language at a gray tabby-and-white cat who was probably wandering around his backyard or somewhere nearby when he encountered the owl. It is a cute stand-off between two different species, both predators. …

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Male Bengal cat has ‘kids’ with gray female to create mixed offspring

Domestic cat family sleeps. This is a Bengal male with a gray female and their mixed litter

I like pictures of cats. The photograph shows a male Bengal cat with an all-gray female (with a very thin coat), who are the parents, with their ‘kids’, a mixed bag with one a carbon copy of his ‘dad’. We don’t know why the female’s coat is so thin. She appears to be suffering …

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Difference between serval and domestic cat

Difference between serval and domestic cat

As all species of cat are incredibly similar, the starting point is that there are very few differences between the serval and the domestic cat. The biggest difference is going to be the obvious fact that the serval is a wild cat without a 10,000-year history of domestication whereas the domestic cat can bring …

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