The inherent bias and unhelpfulness in the book ‘Cat Wars’ by Peter Marra and Chris Santella

Cat Wars

You can buy the book Cat Wars by Peter Marra and Chris Santella on Amazon. They describe cats as “environmental contaminants like DDT”. They claim that they spread disease and disrupt the ecological balance of the environment. They have a chapter lewdly entitled “Zombie Makers”. They describe how domestic, stray and feral cats spread …

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Mark Twain inherited his love of cats from his mother

Jane Lampton Clemens

“Many of the characteristics that made Mark Twain famous were inherited from his mother”, Albert Bigelow Paine wrote in his authorised biography of this famous American writer. Although he inherited his mother’s sense of humour and his philosophy from his mother, the best known aspect of his character through which he could thank his …

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