24 cat disappearances: New Zealanders reap what they sow


NEWS AND COMMENT-COLLINGWOOD, NEW ZEALAND: This is a cross post because I think it’s important. In the headline, I’ve said that New Zealanders are reaping what they’ve sowed. What I mean is this: the country’s government and local authorities have, over a long period of time, verbally attacked domestic cats allowed outside and feral …

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Are indoor or indoor/outdoor cats healthier?

Domestic cat health - indoor versus indoor and outdoor lives

You would think that the answer is obvious and that you would say that indoor cats are healthier than indoor/outdoor cats. It’s more subtle than that. This is a big subject but perhaps it is useful to divide the health problems into two categories (1) trauma (2) everything else including parasitic infections, infectious diseases, …

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Pittsburgh ‘Refrigerator Cat’

1901 refrigerator cats

No, I’m not referring to domestic cats would like to open refrigerator doors and creep inside to either ‘steal’ the food for have a snooze, I’m referring to a special race of domestic cat living in sub-zero temperatures in industrial-sized refrigerator plants at the turn of the 20th century (late 1800s to early 1900s). …

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