TikTok – the intelligent and the ignorant. Too many animal abuse videos influencing the gullible.

On Tiktok there can be a battle between the intelligent and rational individual and the ignorant and irrational

You might be aware that TikTok is controversial. There is good and bad. One good TikTok channel is operated by Ben the Vet. He is the voice of reason. He’s an intelligent guy presenting the truth on a factual basis. His thoughts chime with mine. Interestingly, he claimed that he is sometimes rubbished in …

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Dwarf cats 2023 – full discussion

Manchester a dwarf cat living in Moscow

Update February 2023: this page was first published in around 2007 as I recall. The situation regarding the dwarf cat breed is now more settled. The foundation cat breed for all dwarf cats is the Munchkin. Hybridisation of this cat breed with others has resulted in about a dozen dwarf cat breeds (scroll down …

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Pet caregiver’s responsibility to deliver on 5 welfare needs

5 needs to be met by cat caregivers

Ben the Vet on TikTok has nicely reminded me about the five basic animal welfare needs as demanded by the UK’s Animal Welfare Act 2006. This is a really nice piece of legislation which I think should be admired throughout the world. Not only is it good animal law, it is so good that …

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Cat meat consumption today based on mediaeval superstitions

Superstition surrounded medieval cats of all kinds in European medieval times.

Although some Chinese living in the south of China appear to have the strongest reputation for eating cat meat, there are other countries particularly in Asia where this habit continues despite objections from some in the West and within China. And my study of cat meat consumption over about 15 years indicates to me …

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Infographic on spotting joint discomfort in cats

Old cats with joint discomfort

Domestic cats are living longer as is the case for humans due to advances in medical treatments. Studies on older cats looking at radiographs revealed that 90% of them over the age of 12 had evidence of degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis is under-diagnosed at veterinary clinics and it is extremely common in older cats …

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What is the hunting success rate of feral cats?

Study on the hunting success rate of feral cats in Australia

If you search the Internet for an answer to the question in the title, be prepared to be misled. I will explain what I mean. People expect to find a specific percentage, a definitive answer to the question. You won’t find one. I am convinced of it. I have spent a good 30 minutes …

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Coefficient of inbreeding (COI) in dogs and cats – a full discussion

COI - coefficient of inbreeding

At first glance this is a daunting and off-putting topic. However, we have Ben, the TikTok vet to ease us into the discussion 😎. He’s great and thanks Ben. He has a nice video of the COI of the most inbred pedigree dogs available in the UK. It is a very good start. This …

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