Rarely, cat litter made from corn can be contaminated with aflatoxins

Corn contaminated with aflatoxin

This is something which has been on the Internet for a while and which I have been slow to pick up on. Although I was reasonably prompt in picking up the possibility of aflatoxin contaminating dry cat food because there was a huge scare, indeed a scandal regarding dry cat food contaminated with this …

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The inscrutable expressionless domestic cat has 276 facial expressions!

Happy cat

You may be one of those people – there are many – who think that the domestic cat is independent, aloof and almost expressionless. This much admired companion animal does not give much away in facial expressions because they can’t allow themselves to as a survival instinct. However, a recent study revealed that domestic …

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Comparing cat and dog ages with human age in a table (and more)

Cat and dog age comparison to human age

It is perhaps quite interesting to compare how both cats and dogs age in comparison to humans. You’ll see a lot of cat age charts compared to human age and likewise you’ll see the same for dogs but how about a direct cat to dog comparison? There are complications! There would be wouldn’t there. …

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Commercially it is a mistake in the long-term to breed cats and dogs with baby-like faces

Baby-faced breeds are unhealthy as their anatomy is distorted

For me there is a welcome backlash from some outspoken veterinarians with social media accounts and cat owners against the flat-faced companion animals – both cats and dogs – molded over decades of selective breeding to look like human babies in the expectation that they’ll be more attractive to buyers. The flat-faced pet syndrome …

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Does Cara Delevingne own cats?

Picture on Instagram which compares Cara Delevingne's nose with the nose of one of her Persian cats in a stark comparison. Cara lives with two Persian cats at the moment. I have presumed that she has adopted these cats and is not fostering them!

Yes, Cara Delevingne does own a couple of cats and they happen to be contemporary, flat-faced white Persians. They look quite cute too many people but when you look at the photograph below you can see one obvious health problem which is tear duct overflow causing staining down the face from the inner corner …

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How do you become a cat person?

How do you become a ‘cat person'.

To put the question another way: “How does one become a cat lover”. I’ll try and answer the question. The thoughts of others are always welcome. Nature/Nuture Fundamentally, you become a cat person partly because you inherited a love of cats or probably a love of animals generally and partly because of your life …

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Revisiting the “two talking cats” video and understanding what they are saying

Two talking cats. What are they talking about?

The truly unique “two talking cats” video on YouTube has been seen 103 million times which is unsurprising. Or perhaps it might be fair to say that it’s unique to capture on video cats talking to themselves like this. It possibly happens from time to time but it must be extremely rare. But what …

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Person asks, “I want a beautiful cat that is affectionate and loving. What breed makes the best cat?”

Trying to select the right cat breed.

I’m going to answer the questions in the title which are on the quora.com website. I like to do that from time to time because they do ask lots of questions, some of which are worth answering! This will be short because I think I can summarise the answer without using many words. There …

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