Can cats predict earthquakes (infographic)?

Can cats predict earthquakes (infographic)?

Anecdotally, the answer to the above question is a clear: yes, from many cat caregivers who have experienced this feline phenomenon. But there is no hard scientific evidence as yet. And science has checked this out. Subjective assessments by loving cat caregivers can be unreliable. This study shows that a significant positive correlation does …

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Two changes to the American Constitution needed (infographic)

Two changes to the US Constitution needed

Two changes to the US constitution are needed as set out in the below infographic BUT the changes will never happen. Well, the first suggestion might and should happen as America can do better than have a president who is a convicted felon of the type that severely questions his honesty and integrity (falsifying …

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How to do hydrotherapy on a cat

Moses doing his hydrotherapy session at Avonvale Veterinary Centres' hydrotherapy unit

How to do hydrotherapy on a cat? Well, it is not easy. 🙀 Domestic cats don’t like water normally. They won’t like hydrotherapy normally either for that reason but it doesn’t mean that hydrotherapy is a no-no because it might work. Note: some domestic cats like water. We can’t generalise. There are a number …

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Letter ‘s’ sounds like swearing to a cat?

When cat owners say the letter 's' it sounds like swearing to their cat as it hints at the feline hiss

For me, this is a little far-fetched but it is an interesting idea proposed by PDSA vet nurse Gemma Renwick. She thinks that cats might be perturbed when a person vocalises words containing the letter ‘s’ as the sound hints at the feline hiss which is a defensive sound to warn hostiles that they …

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Cat Seizure. Potential causes and suggestions

Cat seizure - crying out and drooling are two possible symptoms

Seizure definition: uncontrolled and sudden activity that might include foaming at mouth, jerking of legs, chewing and champing (to bite noisily), temporary incontinence, sudden rage, biting. Some more on possible symptoms: Focal seizures: Crying loudly as though in pain, aggressive behaviour and legs stop functioning. Generalised seizures: Loss of consciousness with uncontrollable shaking and …

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