22,000 toothpicks create a cat picture

A high school in the Chiba Prefecture of Japan created a large picture (sculpture?) of the head of a white cat using 22,000 toothpicks.

Cat portrait created with 22000 toothpicks
Cat portrait created with 22000 toothpicks. Screenshot

It was a large undertaking which took 5 months of work and a scientific and well organised approach. It works well.

Simply click on the video to get it started and hear the soundtrack. Click on it to stop it.

What did the students learn from this exercise? Well, I can’t discover the official answer to that question. Teamwork must be an important part of the project. Learning design skills and visualisation must also be in the mix. And I guess you’d learn a bit about the anatomy of the domestic cat. I would also mean really looking at the subject matter and seeing the shadows and highlights etc..

It is nice that they decided to represent a cat.

Where is Chiba Prefecture?

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