3 Legged Cat Picture

Three legged cat picture

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I love this 3 legged cat picture by the great Helmi Flick. She knows how to capture the cat! Photographically speaking.

When I first saw this picture and some other Helmi pictures of Triton I did not notice that he has three legs. He is a fine looking cat. Triton is a pointed cat: a seal lynx pointed traditional Siamese cat or Siamese cat mix? That is probably obvious to everyone who sees him. He has prominent bands on his tail indicating the presence of the genes that make a tabby cat. Triton also has a faint tabby “M” mark on his forehead. You can see two dark lines above the inside of his eyes and darker fur in between them. That is the famous “M” mark. He has tabby pointing.

Are 3 legged cats predisposed to becoming overweight? I am not saying that Triton is overweight. My cat is and he has three legs. It may be that when a cat has three legs he is less active because it is harder to get around. The extra effort will burn more calories, perhaps, but it might put him off walking and jumping etc.. A three legged cat might be less active than a four legged cat.

Cat associations allow people to show non-purebred cats. The CFA call these cats “Household Pets”. I don’t like that phrase but I do like the fact that they allow random bred cats to be shown at a show because there are some fantastic looking moggies around.

Perhaps there should be a category for disabled show cats. Why not? We have the Para Olympics, which showcases how successful disabled people can be. It motivates people who are disabled to achieve. Showcasing disabled cats at a cat show might motivate the public to see the beauty and value in ordinary cats. This might help to stop cat cruelty. We’d also see more Helmi 3 legged cat pictures.

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2 thoughts on “3 Legged Cat Picture”

  1. I think that is a great idea! The Handi-CAT Olympics!!! And you are right, there are so many beautiful kitties that have endured some type of hardship. But, to them it’s just another day in the life of a cat! They are deserving of some type of recognition.


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