If you know of a person living in or around Pulaski, Virginia, USA who gets fun out of shooting at outdoor cats with what appears to be a sport hunting crossbow then please contact the Pulaski Police Department at 540-994-8609 and speak to Detective Rick Riddle. PETA are putting up the $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction on cruelty charges of the person or persons responsible for shooting a black cat with, as mentioned, what appears to be a sport hunting crossbow. The arrow injured the 1 to 2 year old cat so severely that they had to be euthanized.
The map shows Madison Avenue South, Pulaski. There is also Madison Avenue North.
The cat was found on December 6 in the 100 block of Madison Avenue. It looks like a nice place. This is a great chance for someone living in this pleasant town to do the right thing; to do something good and pick up five grand on the back of a phone call provided of course that the criminal or criminals are caught and convicted. The person who might call about this has will have useful evidence. Perhaps they were a witness to it or they know the person responsible because they have spoken to them about it. They may have boasted about it. That’s the kind of attitude a person doing this would have. It’s all a bit of fun and excitement which tells us how sick the world can be.