9 reasons why Taylor Swift is so successful (the 9th is her cats!)

Here are 9 reasons why Taylor Swift is so awesomely success. She’s become one of only a few dollar billionaires whose main source of income is music. She’s smart and works enormously hard. I have added to a list of eight an important ninth, her cats! She loves cats obviously but I think she made sure that her adoring fans know about her love of cats and ensured that the trio: two Scottish Folds and one Ragdoll, are as successful in their own right on social media. Her cats have a high monetary value on social media being worth millions it is claimed. Her cats have helped to promote her personally, I feel as cats are very popular on social media. The popularity rubs off and it works both ways.

As I have said in the infographic, my thanks to Will Hodgkinson for his thoughts on this topic. His article on Taylor Swift is in recognition of Swift making history at the Grammys when she won best album for the fourth time.

RELATED: How did the photographer get Ragdoll cat Benjamin Button to stay on Taylor Swift’s shoulders in the Time POY image?

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