T. Swift to cat: “I was just trying to love you and now you owe me 40 million dollars”

A bit of fun gleaned from social media. This time it is Instagram. I have never visited Instagram. This is Taylor Swift’s picture on that website:

Taylor swift scratched by one of her cats
Taylor swift scratched by one of her cats. I believe the photo is by her.
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

Because the photo was taken with wide angle lens her legs look less slender than they are. This brings me nicely to another picture of Ms T Swift (below). I’ll just mention that her legs are insured for $40 million, which explains what she said.

The photo of her scratched left leg above is well publicised. However, as mentioned, there is another photo of her walking down the street:

Taylor Swift's legs
Is this another cat scratch? I don’t think it is.

Is that another cat scratch? I don’t think so as it looks too wide and there is a graze above it which indicates she has been messing around on her knees endangering her $40 million assets. Ms Swift loves her cats. She is a cat lover. Being very cynical in my dotage I wondered whether she engineered the ‘cat lover’ image to surf the popularity of the cat on the internet as a way of boosting her own popularity.

I think we can speculate how the scratch happened. I looks like one of her cats, Olivia Benson or Meredith (apparently it was Meredith), jumped up on her left leg and pushed off with one of the hind legs causing the scratch. There may have been a bit of rumbustious behaviour beforehand so the cat was excited. ‘Great work Meredith,’ Taylor Swift says.

4 thoughts on “T. Swift to cat: “I was just trying to love you and now you owe me 40 million dollars””

  1. I should have photographed Laura’s eye. Furby caught her eyelid as she slept and poked a hole in it. Now Laura has a pretty pink padded mask to wear when she sleeps.

    Taylor does a lot of guest appearances on different shows. I love to watch her. At least fame hasn’t corrupted her yet.

    • Yes, as I said I like her. I have a feeling she down to earth despite all the glamour surrounding her.

      About Laura: I’m a bit shocked. Sounds awful and it could have been worse I suppose.

      It is easy to happen. Accidents will happen as they say.

  2. Taylor Swift has a cracking pair of legs. How refreshing that she made a joke about the scratch, rather than going down the same route as some “celebrities” who dump their pets when they behave like animals instead of stuffed toys.

    • She does have great legs. I think she is a nice woman. I am not sure where I get that ‘vibe’ from except that she likes cats and seems quite natural. I saw on the TV discussing cats with John Cleese. She came across well.

      Her cats have given her masses of publicity which leads me to believe that she knowingly uses her cats (not in a bad way) to promote herself. This scratch is a good example.


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