Feline Diabetes caused by fire-retardants in carpets, curtains and upholstery

Feline Diabetes caused by fire-retardants in carpets, curtains and upholstery

I am referring to feline diabetes insipidus which is a rare variation of diabetes. It is not related to insulin production as is the case for diabetes mellitus. I have mentioned the hazardous nature of fire-retardants before but not in relation to causing diabetes. The connection was mentioned in a television program, Trust Me, …

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Cat Info Titbits 2

Cat info

There are 100 unpublished draft articles in PoC archives. Some are years old. They remained unpublished for all kinds of reasons such as they were duplicated articles, incomplete, deemed uninteresting or perhaps inaccurate or too controversial and so on. Yet when I skim through a random selection of some of them they don’t look …

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Surge in Human Thyroid Cancer Due to Flame Retardants in Sofas and Mattresses

Cat owners should (must) be concerned about fire retardants in household products. They are incredibly toxic. We can’t see them and we can’t feel any difference to our lifestyle and our health until it is too late. As important is the health of our cats. Humans have a bad habit of ignoring danger if …

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Cats and Kids Exposed To Flame Retardants Years After They Have Been Banned

Flame retardants are extremely persistent. Years after they have been banned they are still leaching out of old products. Both children and cats are particularly vulnerable to flame retardants. Cats sit and spend time lying on furniture and other household items which have been treated with flame retardants. Kids are more likely than adults …

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Why Is My Cat Trembling?

Charlie my cat

I think that we have to distinguish between tremors and trembling. In layman’s language, trembling can also mean shivering. Shivering may indicate a fever. Also, you may see cats shivering or trembling when, for example, at a veterinarian’s clinic because they are frightened. This is quite common and normal. So in terms of the …

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Is Your Cat Companion Becoming Elderly? Here’s a Common Health Problem You Should Be Able to Spot Quite Quickly

A cat with overactive thyroid glands will be thirsty and hungry but at the same time lose weight. He may be restless or irritable. His heart rate may be up and his coat may look unkempt. Cat owners should look out for these signs in a middle-aged or elderly cat because hyperthyroidism is the …

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