Brexit forces rushed export of three lionesses from England to Germany

Three lionesses Rubi Heidi and Indi

London Zoo is exporting three lionesses to Schwerin Zoo in Germany in a rush to avoid what will probably be far more stringent export regulations after 1 January 2021 when the UK finally leaves the European Union. The zoo is exporting the cats to Germany to try and improve their chances of mating with …

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Legislation to end private big cat ownership in America passed in the House of Representatives

House of Representatives

NEWS AND COMMENT: The Big Cat Public Safety Act is federal draft legislation which “prohibits the private ownership of big cats like lions and tigers and curbs the exploitative industry of cub-petting” in America. One of the driving forces behind the legislation is Carole Baskin of Big Cat Rescue (BCR). A lot of people …

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Should I let my cat lick me?

Generous Cat

This very fundamental question is asking whether cat owners/guardians they should let their cat lick them as a matter of course. The answer must be a very positive, Yes. In fact, it is essential that cat guardians allow their cats to lick them. There will be some questions about where it should be allowed …

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Being curmudgeonly at Thanksgiving 2020

Cat looking like a cooked turkey

Americans deserve a bit of fun. We all do. It’s a time for optimism and looking to the future. I would hope that Americans will be able to live a fairly normal life by next summer or perhaps even just after Easter thanks to their coronavirus vaccination programme. At Thanksgiving 2020 it’s a time …

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