Sagittal crest in cats

Domestic cat skull showing sagittal crest

What is the sagittal crest in cats? It is a ridge running down the midline of the skull. You should be able to feel it when you stroke your cat’s head. Many carnivores have it. Its presence indicates that the jaw muscles are strong. Humans don’t have it but some individuals have a ‘sagittal …

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How do I teach my cat it’s not okay to bite or attack?

Proactive play with cats to prevent attacks on owners

A lady asked this question on How do I teach my cat it’s not okay to bite or attack? I’ll presume that she means to bite or attack her and proceed on that basis. Initial issues You have to get out of the way one or two points before you answer the question. …

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Grumpy cat’s eyes can change her from grumpy to thoughtful

Grumpy cat looking thoughtful not grumpy

Although it is the strong downward-pointing anatomy of Grumpy Cat’s mouth which defines her image, her eyes have a big role to play in her appearance. Here are two images of this most famous of all cat celebrities who has made her ‘owner’ a multimillionaire. The first is the classic grumpy appearance with ‘hooded’ …

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Kitten with Freddie Krueger claws

Black kitten's claws

A black kitten with very nicely developed claws. Why kittens are born with claws and why cats need them #IfCatsRanTwitter the claws would really come out when dealing with trolls and people who hate cats. — “Mad Cat” Cattis (@GeneralCattis) December 29, 2018 Cat Claw Anatomy Facts For Kids

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