The first domestic cats of North America

Pet bobcat

At what date can we say that the domestic cat existed in North America? I think it’s an important subject because the United States is the greatest country in the world for the domestic cat in 2020. Historically, we are told, that there were no domestic cats in North America before European settlers emigrated …

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America: tame wild cats exhibited at cat shows 1895-1903

Miss Frances Simpson

Miss Frances Simpson was one of three major personalities in the early years of the cat fancy in England. She wrote a book called The Book of the Cat which was published in 1903. In that book she refers to the first American cat show held in the Madison Square Garden, New York, on …

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What is the difference between a wild cat and a feral cat?

African wild cat

The difference between a wild cat and a feral cat is found in their origin and their history both individually and collectively. Taxonomically they are classified differently by the scientists based on their DNA. Feral cats are classified under domestic cats. Domestic cats are one species of cat. Wild cat “Wild cat” is a …

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Do jaguarundi make good pets? No, but a teenager mistakenly adopts a jaguarundi cub.

Jaguarundi cub, Dani (a male), inadvertently adopted by Argentinian teenager

People ask Messrs Google if it is a good idea to adopt a jaguarundi as a pet cat. I guess they think it is possible because they are a small wild cat and people like the look of small wild cats. Their interest in the idea comes from the cat’s exotic appearance. The trouble …

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How long are cats’ tails?

How long are cats tails?

Of course cats’s tails vary in length depending on the size of the cat and some cat breeds are not meant to have conventional tails while some wild cat species have exceptional tails. However, you can generalise about the length of cats’ tails which is what the title to this articles seeks to do. …

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Wild cat species – full list and detailed discussion

Caracal killed by leopard

There are between 36-41 species of wild cat depending upon how you classify them. The classification of the cats (called taxonomy) is still somewhat in discussion although more settled than before. Genetic molecular analysis has allowed scientists to be more precise about classifying cat species. This has reduced the number of species. I think …

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