Cats drink antifreeze because of its smell and because it is almost tasteless

Antifreeze poster

You will find it difficult to glean an answer as to why domestic cats appear to like drinking antifreeze. My research indicates to me that we don’t know. It seems that domestic cats drink antifreeze even when it has been spilled accidentally onto the road or leaked out of a vehicle. Most often it …

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Don’t put antifreeze in your outside water fountain for the sake of animals

Is this water fountain safe for cats?

I’m primarily thinking of domestic cats in writing this article but, of course, it applies to all animals. Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) is sometimes (hopefully rarely) added to water in fountains to prevent freezing. Cats love flowing water. Domestic cats are also attracted to antifreeze because it is naturally sweet. I’ve used the word “attracted”. …

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My two cats broke a snowglobe and both died within days from ethylene glycol (antifreeze) poisoning

Posted December 21, 2018 by Patricia DeMaggio Siergiej Introduction from Elisa. This is quite a long story but it’s important. Snowglobes may seem innocent. They’re deadly. I found Patricia’s story on Facebook and she gave me permission to tell it. I’m using her own words as to what happened to cause the deaths of …

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Unknown person kills cats by targeting them with a water pistol loaded with antifreeze

Cats in one street in Bradford, UK have died after licking antifreeze from their coats. It has been decided based on the evidence that someone (probably living in the same street but no one knows) is squirting the cats with antifreeze using a water pistol. This is another sadistic form of animal abuse. It’s …

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Urgently treating a cat poisoned by antifreeze


Immediately induce vomiting and then take the cat to a veterinarian. That, in a nutshell, is how you administer urgent treatment to a cat poisoned by antifreeze. I have more or less quoted respected veterinarians. If treatment is delayed, administer activated charcoal to prevent further absorption of ethylene glycol. Your vet will then place …

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Symptoms of Antifreeze Poisoning in Cats (and associated matters)

This lists the symptoms of anti-freeze poisoning in cats and interesting secondary matters. I have realised I have not listed them on PoC despite the numerous articles about this form of cat poisoning. Poisoning with antifreeze is one of the most common poisonings for cats because ethylene glycol is sweet tasting and it appeals …

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